Friday, December 5, 2014

Elements and Principles of Design

Leading Lines:  Technique of photography that leads the viewers eye straight to the main.
The lines of flowers lead to the windmill creating a leading line image.

Vertical Lines: Communicate a sense of strength, power, rigidity, and solidarity to the viewer. 

 The trees are straight up making them vertical and they are just trees but it is very different.

Horizontal Lines: Represent peace, tranquility, and quietness.
Complex line elements, such as curves, shape, tones, and color.

Diagonal Lines: unbalanced and appear to be unstable but what they communicate is very dynamic yet precarious.

The bridge looks like it could fall any second even though it is stable.

Curved Lines: have a unique ability to add beauty and grace to a photo.

This picture is simple but when you see it with the curved lines it adds a depth 
Symmetrical Balance: perfectly centered compositions or those with mirror images.

You can see a mirroring image of the Taj Mahal in the water.

Asymmetrical Balance: one or more dissimilar objects on either side of the photo and these objects are not uniform in their appearance.

The rocks are not in any way symmetrical and they are not uniform.

Unity:  all elements of the piece combine to make a balanced, harmonious, complete whole.

There are four different colored leafs to make one big leaf.

Variety: obtained through the use of diversity and change by artists who wish to increase the visual interest in their work.

There are different types of donuts in the picture.

Movement: the path the viewer's eye takes through the artwork, often to a focal area.
Rhythm: a movement in which some elements recur regularly.

The cheetah is moving and it catches the viewer's eye.
Emphasis: an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes a focal point. 
The flowers are blurred so the rings are the main focus of the picture.

Proportion/ Scale: -the size of an object in relationship to another object.
- the relative size of parts of a whole.

The hand is made to look like it is holding the hot air balloon but really it is just the way it is angled.

Repetition/ pattern: repeating visual elements such as lines, color, shape, texture, value or image tends to unify the total effect of a work of art as well as create rhythm.

The bird feathers have a repeated pattern o black, white, black white, etc.
Bird's Eye View: an elevated view of an object from above with a perspective, as though the observer were a bird.

In this image you can see the whole view of the river and city area.
Worm's Eye View: a view as seen from below or from a humble positions.

This picture is taken at angle to make it look like there is a worm or something looking at it.

Horizon Line: where Earth meets the sky.

The horizon is drawn between the lake and the mountain.

Rule of Thirds: aligning a subject with the guidelines and their intersection points.

The picture is divided by 3x3 and the different things are intersected.

Framing: using other objects in your photograph to frame the main object.

The little ring is used to frame the building.

Simplicity: looks for ways to give the center of interest in your pictures the most visual attention.

Everything behind the dog is blurred to make the dog the main focus.

Texture: helps to emphasize the features and details in a photograph.

This photo was taken to show the details of the scales of the snake.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Camera Basics Quiz (Quiz Group B)

Created Blur

Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 100
Shutter Speed: 1/60

I achieved this photo because I had to create a blur and that's what I did. 

Incorporate noise/grain

Aperture: f/ 5.6
ISO: 800
Shutter Speed: 1/2500

I achieved this photo because I was suppose to create a grainy photo and I created the grain.

Large Depth of Field

Aperture: f/ 32.0
ISO: 3200
Shutter Speed: 1/ 20

I achieved this photo because in order to take this photo you must have a high ISO so I set the ISO high.

Timer Selfie

Aperture: f/ 4.5
ISO: 1600
Shutter Speed: 1/60

I achieved this photo because I turned on the timer and then took a selfie. 

There a lot of stuff you need to know about photography, what we learned was that there are a lot of different things we need to change the way you take a pictures. The main thing you need to know about is the exposure triangle it has to do with the main things about a photograph. And then there are switches on the camera which change how the photograph turns out, there are 5 main switches; programmed (P), time value (TV), aperture value (AV), auto depth of field (A-Dep), and manual (M).The first one is called programmed (P) which is when you point your camera at an object the camera will select the aperture and shutter speed for you, but it allows you to change the combination. Second is time value ((TV) shutter-priority auto exposure) you select the aperture and the camera selects the shutter speed to expose the photo.Third is Av (( Aperture value) aperture-priority auto expsure) you select the aperture and the camera selects the shutter speed to expose the photo. Fourth is Auto depth of field which is the camera focuses on the main object and chooses the aperture for you so the object is a main focus. And last but not least M (manual) which the camera selects the shutter speed and aperture and it tells you if your object is on target.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What Is Composition?


         1.What is composition?
                 *Composition is the arrangement of visual elements within the frame of a photograph.  

         2. What is it important to understand & utilize composition in photography?

                  *The most important elements in photography are line, texture, shape, light, motion, and perspective. In virtually all photographs, several of these elements combine to achieve a specific effect.


         3. Describe aspects of a “snapshot”.             
                           * A snapshot is a casual record of some event, or person, or object.
                   - When you look at a snapshot, the main thing you're looking at is a memory.

        4.Describe aspects of a “photograph”.         

                 *A photograph is, or should be, an artistic interpretation of an event, or person, or object.

                      - It's purpose is to the viewer --- any viewer-- something about its subject.


       5. “Photography is the art of ____Discovery____________”

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speed


                                                           Fast Shutter Speed 

Iso: 1600
Aperture: f/ 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/500

Slow Shutter Speed 

Iso:  800
Aperture: f/ 16.0
Shutter Speed: 1/15

What is shutter speed?
-Shutter Speed is the time for which a shutter is open at a given time.

How shutter speed works both technically (in camera) and visually (in photo)?
-In a camera it makes you able to take a picture of a fast moving object or thing.
- Visually in a photo it shows the fast moving object that you were trying to capture.

The relationship to the exposure triangle?
- shutter speed controls the duration of the exposure.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Understanding Aperture


ISO- 800

Aperture- f/ 5.6

Shutter Speed- 1/60

                                                  LARGE DEPTH OF FIELD

                                                      ISO- 800

                                                     Aperture- f/ 5.6

                                                    Shutter speed- 1/60


                 1. Aperture is the how narrow or wide opening of a camera is.

                 2. Well in camera it works technically because it works with the shutter speed to change and blur the picture and that's what it works with the pictures.

                 3. aperture controls the area over which light can enter your camera.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Chloe Portraiture

Dear future husband of Chloe Elizabeth Grouse,

Hi my name is Sabah Siddiqui I was partners’ with Chloe in

Photography class in 2014- 2015 school year. Chloe took this class

because she likes taking pictures. She likes the way a picture can make

you feel. Chloe is an outgoing and loud person. One thing Chloe

would want to change about herself is being messy. Now Chloe is

probably graduated and making makeup. Your wife spends most of her

time probably on her phone. Chloe hates political news and that is one

thing she wanted to change about pop culture.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sketchbook Cover

How did you take the photograph?
                - It was a selfie that I took to post on Instagram.

Why is this photo good?
                - Because the position and the color of the photo.

Why do you value this photograph?
                - I value this photograph because I took it while I was going to a family freind's wedding.

What is your theme? How did you showcase your identity?
               - The theme of my sketchbook cover is warm and cool. I portrayed my identity by putting a picture of me in the corner and putting my name and period across the cover.

How do the other images/text selected relate to your theme?
              - The pictures are all either red, orange, yellow, blue, or green. Which are all warm or cool colors.
Describe how you used the chosen principle of design?
               - Well I was going for a Mario sketchbook cover and I was running out of time to do it, so I added my picture in the corner. And I liked the final product.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Qualities of a good photo

Qualities of a good photo:
1.            Has a great composition
2.          Captures emotion
3.          Tells a story
4.          Leaves something to imagine
5.           Captures an ionic moment
6.          Presents the uniqueness
7.           Contrasting concepts
8.         Using the unique lighting and color
9.          Shows overlooked detail

10.   Uses a unique perspective

One thing new that I learned was that the photo should have the ability to talk to people. Meaning that the photo should have something in common with the photographer about something going on. Or even to the people who see the picture(s).Also you should catch the energy of the subject. Every type of photography has it’s own quality. Like for travel photography you have to catch the sense of awe.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Best Photo

This isn't my best photo but the properties of the photo are really good. Like how the center of attention is the building. And also how the background of the photo is the sky. The photo also shows the side of the building and it portrays different sizes and shapes on the building. In this picture there is also unique contrast of the building and the sky. There are only two colors but there are different shades so it looks good.