Thursday, November 6, 2014

Understanding Shutter Speed


                                                           Fast Shutter Speed 

Iso: 1600
Aperture: f/ 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/500

Slow Shutter Speed 

Iso:  800
Aperture: f/ 16.0
Shutter Speed: 1/15

What is shutter speed?
-Shutter Speed is the time for which a shutter is open at a given time.

How shutter speed works both technically (in camera) and visually (in photo)?
-In a camera it makes you able to take a picture of a fast moving object or thing.
- Visually in a photo it shows the fast moving object that you were trying to capture.

The relationship to the exposure triangle?
- shutter speed controls the duration of the exposure.

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