Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Understanding Aperture


ISO- 800

Aperture- f/ 5.6

Shutter Speed- 1/60

                                                  LARGE DEPTH OF FIELD

                                                      ISO- 800

                                                     Aperture- f/ 5.6

                                                    Shutter speed- 1/60


                 1. Aperture is the how narrow or wide opening of a camera is.

                 2. Well in camera it works technically because it works with the shutter speed to change and blur the picture and that's what it works with the pictures.

                 3. aperture controls the area over which light can enter your camera.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Chloe Portraiture

Dear future husband of Chloe Elizabeth Grouse,

Hi my name is Sabah Siddiqui I was partners’ with Chloe in

Photography class in 2014- 2015 school year. Chloe took this class

because she likes taking pictures. She likes the way a picture can make

you feel. Chloe is an outgoing and loud person. One thing Chloe

would want to change about herself is being messy. Now Chloe is

probably graduated and making makeup. Your wife spends most of her

time probably on her phone. Chloe hates political news and that is one

thing she wanted to change about pop culture.